ScatMat Pet Proofing Mats
Help your dog or cat learn good house manners. The ScatMat automatic indoor pet training mat keeps pets off furniture and counters and away from off-limit areas and rooms. This large mat is perfect for blocking doorways, covering large furniture, or protecting nearly any area you want your pet to avoid.
Simply place the ScatMat in any area you want your pet to avoid and switch it on. When your pet touches the mat, he’ll feel a mild, harmless 3-second static pulse from the mat. Pets soon learn which areas to keep away from. The mat’s handy indicator light even tells you how many times your pet has touched the mat. When you turn on the mat, the light blinks once for each time your pet tried to cross the mat. With 3 intensity levels for stubborn or timid pets, ScatMat is perfect for any sized cat or dog.