Canny collar
The Canny Collar is the best collar to stop your dog pulling on their lead, transforming even the worst pullers into happy, well-behaved easy to walk dogs.
Are you embarrassed by your pulling dog? Do you dread taking your dog for a walk because you have to avoid other dogs? Have you tried everything else to stop your dog pulling and nothing has worked?
The ‘behind-the-head’ design means it doesn’t pull your dog’s head or ride up onto the eyes. Can be used in both ‘training mode’ and ‘regular mode’ by slipping the loop off your dog’s nose as needed. This way, you can train your dog to eventually walk on a regular collar and lead.
The Canny Collar is recommended by many dog trainers, training schools, rescue shelters and veterinarians worldwide. It is the favoured training head collar of UK Guide Dogs.
- Simple to fit.
- Easy to use.
- Comfortable, safe, and effective.
- Does not pull your dog’s head or ride up.
- Can be used as a regular collar too.
- Backed up by a Lifetime Guarantee.
- 1-7
- Colossus (for true giants!)
- Black
- Blue
- Red
- Purple
Also Available
- Canny Dog Lead
- Â Canny Lead Connect.